Thursday, June 7, 2012


  >>>Before reading this post of How I Met Your Mother Episodes of Season 6&7, You might want to check out my posts Watch How I Met Your Mother and How To Download The Show, Thank you! :)

These episodes are all based on the shows I've watched and is just my own summary.


Episode 1- Dog Days
     "Kids, there are two big days in any love story- the day you meet the girl of your dreams, and the day you marry her" Ted was nervously sitting alone in his their stall, scraping out the sticker of the beer he was holding with his fingers. Barney later arrives announcing in horror that he saw a girl- wearing a sweater! "You know what that means, Ted? The season of exposed skin is over, exactly!" bummed out of the biggest loss- the sundresses. Barney later asks Ted (after multiple riddles about sundresses) what he's nervous about, turns out he was planning to talk to this girl sitting alone, reading a book but was thinking that she had shield up though. Barney tried to look at her "Don't look at her!" "I wanna see a pretty girl" "Okay, ok, just just be cool" Barney then proceeds to look- stare at her with extremely strong eye contact without her noticing. "I will tell you this in one word" "What?" "Dibs" "You can't call dibs on a girl I was planning to talk to at some point!" Then Barney as usu. gives a fake history lesson and Ted buys Barney's dib for $20. They converse about her being "shields up" because she's reading a book "She's in a BAR, Ted, the book might as well be named 'Are you there, Barney? It's me, Horny'"... Robin then walks in the bar looking.. 'tired', "THAT'S what shields up looks like" She looked umm like that because of her break up with Don and Barney insisted that she's lost it. Meanwhile in Lily and Marshall's apartment, Lily had been waiting for Marshall to get back from work because they were trying to have a baby but when Marshall arrived "Quick in the bedroom! Wait, no time On the floor, no time! Against this wall!" "Wait Marshall, a huge package arrived" "Yeah, it did" "No, a real package- from your dad" "That's a little weird, but Yeah it did" It was a crib, turns out Marshall had told his dad about them trying to have a baby which Lily wasn't fond of because his dad had been way too close to them. Marshall and Lily arrive to their stall, still arguing about the dad thing. But later on, they moved to another stall "You told your co-workers?!" "I may have mentioned it to a couple of colleagues" He mentioned it to the whole office "I'm sorry, but I should be able to tell my dad" "Well you know what, why don't you have a baby- with your dad?!" "Why don't you have a baby with your but?!!!" "What??" Then Marshall stormed out- kinda and Lily went back to their stall and talked to Barney after Robin left "Am I crazy? Marshall talks to his dad way to much, right?" "You wouldn't want my opinion on that" "Why not" "Cause if I had my dad's number, I'd never NOT be on the phone with him" "Aww, that's really sw-" Then Robin goes back into the bar wearing a sundress looking hot as ever, sits down and reads a book, "A HOTTIE WITH A BODY!" exclaimed Barney. After 14 secs. she got hit on with a "cheesy guy" "HA! 14 seconds, 14 seconds and some Ding Dong steps up thinkin' he can get some of this Wooooh! I. Still. Got. It. Alright, buddy, you proved my point now scram." Later Marshall and Lily gets to their apartment and settles that- in fact Marshall's dad is too close to them.